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Pisces (Water) Full Moon Lodge Circle (Sharing HERstory)

Tue, Sep 21



Join our monthly full moon event where you get to be you, celebrate life, and learn from your fellow sisters in a sacred & safe community.

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Pisces (Water) Full Moon Lodge Circle (Sharing HERstory)
Pisces (Water) Full Moon Lodge Circle (Sharing HERstory)

Time & Location

Sep 21, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT


About the Event

Sharing HERstory - or shall we say, YOUR story with the sisterhood can cause all kinds of emotionally healing release and create a sense of being seen, heard, and understood within your body and in the community. 

After a series of questions asked and finding out the stories that have highlighted you as a person, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences with others. 

Did you beat cancer and now live a happy life? 

Did you have a hard divorce and found a way to be a great mother to your children?

Did your lover pass on too soon but now you found yourself in a happy relationship or happy life?

Did you used to feel suicidal and now have a new look on life is ___?


"As I told my stories of fear, awakening, struggle, and transformation and had them received, heard, and validated by other women, I found healing."

"I also needed to hear other women’s stories in order to see and embrace my own. Sometimes another woman’s story becomes a mirror that shows me a self I haven’t seen before. When I listen to her tell it, her experience quickens and clarifies my own. Her questions rouse mine. Her conflicts illumine my conflicts. Her resolutions call forth my hope. Her strengths summon my strengths. All of this can happen even when our stories and our lives are very different."

- From Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd

There are things you don't talk about in the outside world but that you can share in a sacred space with trusted sisters to create healing transformation while releasing any emotions that may be held deep within our wombs.

"If you aren't talking about it you are bottling it up?" Want to know where it gets bottled up? Our wombs. Our womb can either hold our fear & pain OR it can bring us waves of massive aligned creativity and allowing us to birth life (babies, projects, businesses, and new versions of ourselves).

This is why at Red Tent Goddess we are diving deep into 'taboo' topics such as what your first bleed was like, your sexual experiences, your orgasms, your relationship with yourself, your relationship with others, and so many other beautiful topics that are not shared in your day-to-day conversations.

These conversations may lead to laughter, tears, and transmuting all kinds of energy and helping our sisters to release the stories & limiting beliefs that were unconsciously created in the past while creating a new conscious belief system to show up as our authentic selves in our lives.


Here are a few things you will experience in this Full Moon event:

  • Welcome in the four elements to our sacred circle of soul sisters
  • Experience a Goddess Archetype, a Goddess that holds space with us, bringing loving energy to us all, throughout our full moon event with Sister Lisette
  • A stretching exercise called Egoscue that you can take and use every day to keep your body balanced with sister Jessalyn
  • Take time to share your truth, how your intentions are going (that were created in the new moon), and share something you believe could help another sister on the call.
  • How connecting to cycles (menstrual & moon) is our feminine divine right.
  • Learn from other Sister Goddesses on what they have to teach and share.
  • Create a new conversation with women - a conversation of love & collaboration instead of competition
  • Celebrating our wins and accomplishments as well as cheering on our sisters for their accomplishments!

What you will need to make the most of this experience:

  • A quiet room where you will not be bothered for 2 hours 
  • Space to get up and move around in 
  • Your favorite oil to use on your skin (My favorite is castor oil or mugwort, ginger, and olive oil infusion) 
  • Have a mug of water or herbal tea to drink - we will be giving and receiving a lot of energy and water helps to refuel! Bonus points if the mug is our Red Tent Mug! :D 
  • A bowl filled with water that you shall bless and drink at the end of the night

Extras that can have you feel extra good:

  • Tools to call in the elements while we create a circle  (Examples: Athame or feather, a bowl of water, sand or dirt from outside, and a candle & lighter) 
  • Your altar, red box, crystals, sage, or anything else that may call to you while we enter sacred space
  • A skirt to dance in (bonus points if you wear no underwear so your yoni connects to Mother Earth!)
  • A shawl to enjoy the flow and feel like an angel ^.^ AND if you are BLEEDING you can wear something over your head to let us know you do not wish to take part in an exercise (example: you shouldn't do a womb cleanse while bleeding) so we can respect you 


Claudia Pacitti-Urdaneta, Co-Founder, High-Priestess, Red Tent Facilitator, Creative Director, and Certified Transpersonal Coach

Jaslin Martin, Co-Founder, High Priestess, Womb Woman, Moon Mother, Full Moon Circle Facilitator, Menstrual Cycle Coach, Business Coach, and Digital Marketer

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