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Lightworkers Masterclass

Lightworkers Masterclass

$25.00 Regular Price
$21.25Sale Price

In this 90 min class, you will discover...

  • What is a lightworker

  • The different types of lightworkers

  • Which lightworker YOU are

  • Learn about their places of Origin (your alien family)

  • Understand why you felt as a kid that you missed "home" or felt out of the ordinary

  • Discover why you were brought on this earth at this time

  • Bonus: Learn the 6 states of enlightenment. Which one are you in?


In this masterclass, you will learn WHAT a lightworker is, what TYPE of lightworker you are, WHY you were brought on earth at this time, and HOW you can make a difference in The Great Awakening.


This class goes over the 12 different Lightworkers that have been identified. And, there is a quiz to find out!


The 12 types are:

  • Grid worker

  • Blueprint keeper

  • Gatekeeper

  • Dreamer

  • Seer

  • Healer

  • Messenger

  • Wayshower

  • Transmitter

  • Manifestor

  • Unifier

  • Ascension Guide


Each lightworker has a different purpose on Earth to lift the planet's energy into the next density. During "The Great Awakening" (also called "The Harvest" by The Ra Material) each one of us came on this planet to help raise the vibration. Learn YOUR purpose and mission that you already have chosen to accept before coming into this lifetime by learning the type of Lightworker you are.


As a bonus, this class will explain the 6 stages of Enlightenment. This will guide you to know where you are, what type of enlightenment is next for you, and guide you to understanding what can lead you up the Enlightened Elevator.


Masterclass taught by Marlu Martin, CPC

Marlu is the director of Lifehealthsoul Coaching Schools, and instructor of the Spiritual Life Coaching and Holistic Health Coaching Programs. She is also a certified mindfulness and self-love coach for children and adults.

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